jasa pembuatan toko online murah Wow, what a long ass week I had. Doing nothing but shows. So I got my personal taste of what it is like to be a high profile professional. Dude, I don't wanna go there. Too much work. I like my weekdays off. I'm happy enough being a weekend magician.
So what happened in the magic world: Well James L Clark got his Mentalism for Dummies book out. And what a controversy it started. As expected most of the routines described in the book are by others who did not give their permission to have their routines republished. Richard Osterlind's Change of Mind (58-60)and his Bank Night routine (60-63). Over at the Green Monster is a thread where Richard Osterlind makes it very clear that James L. Clark has not Osterlind's permission. The same goes for Andrew Gerard's Energy Bill pulau tidung (64-65) routine who also states that James L. Clark took his routine and published it without permission of any kind. Luke Jermay's routine where "seeing with the fingertips" is demonstrated is also republished (81-84).
Lior Manors' Invisible Touch (162-164), Eric Ross' Crush (166), Colin McLeod's Bookless Booktest (176-178), Ted Lesley's Teleport Envelope (178-182), Patrick Knuff's Bold Business (192-195), Kenton Knepper's Kolossal Killer (212-214) just to give you a snapshot!
ElliotB, author of SwitchCraft said pulau tidung:
Reading it, I got the impression that Mr. Clark sat by his computer with a thesaurus and a copy of Switchcraft in hand, and typed away; making sure to change and rearrange things sufficiently, so as to not violate any laws. Everything just seemed so familiar.
Mr. Clark starts with: "You can accomplish almost any trick in mentalism by using a switch."
While, in Switchcraft, I wrote "just about any effect in mentalism can be accomplished with a billet switch."
And on my website, I wrote "With a billet switch, you can present just about any mental effect imaginable."
Clark then teaches my EB Switch from Switchcraft. He does a very, very poor job of it too. He does not credit me pulau tidung or mention my name. He certainly did not have my permission.
Then, he teaches the "Switch and Read," just as I teach the "Simple Switch and Read" in Switchcraft.
He uses my EB Switch to switch billets and reads the participant's billet in his lap using a gypsy glimpse, just like in Switchcraft (although he does burn the dummy billet.)
I did not invent reading a billet or the "Gypsy Glimpse." But, Mr. Clarks section on switch work reminds me very much of a third grade child copying from an encyclopedia, but with a team of editors to back him up.
bisnis online All of that is freaky on so many levels. I feel bad for those who have their work being used without permission, but it proves what the magic world seems to think about James L Clark. The book goes into details about certain gimmicks without even exploring the possibilities by using it in a routine. It is there for spoiler's sake only. This is a mean spirited book. jasa desain website murah
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