Saturday, 30 November 2013

Rahasia Teknik SEO Untuk Mengubah Gambar Menjadi Backlink

Activity ngeblogs I actually only just a pastime , rather than wandering ga obviously better manage the blog , in addition to adding to our knowledge also reproduce many friends from all over the archipelago and even the World alat bantu sex  .
The spirit of my blogging akhir2 began to decline , in addition to the flurry of The dense , I was amazed by the drastic decline Traffic blogs and Google Page Index ( GIP ) Blog dwindling .We have written many articles about the importance of backlinks and how to get a quality backlink . While we have discussed the text -based links are long and wide , but we have never raised concerns about the picture / image unless of aspects of search engine performance . Yes , the picture is a good component to create organic visitors to your blog / website , but you can do more things with the use of images , such as creating your backlinks ! Here are some ways that you can use to get good backlinks to your blog !Looking for PicturesSometimes people will like the pictures you put on the website . Then they copy and memadangnya on their own website . And sometimes they may even forget to give credit to the image . If you see an image you copied disturbed , do not panic ! This is a great opportunity to get backlinks !
pulau pari First , right click on the image on your website and copy its URL . Then , go to Google image search / image search on Google , and click on the small icon image to the right of the search box . It allows you to search by using the image . Paste the URL of your image that appears in the search box and press enter . You 'll see all search results for all sites that have used your image . Check each one to see if they already provide attribution link . If not , please contact them and ask them to provide a link back to your website .make InfographicsInfographics are a great way to get great backlinks from authority sites . Usually these sites will not even respond to your request . But with the launch of an infographic berkualias , you can instantly sweeten the deal . The dig site quality infographic that gives some in-depth information to the users . Now we will discuss the topic of creating infographics are worked out in detail in your next post . One thing you should know that there are so many tools available that lets you create your own infographics . One is . You can use it and you will be a professional in creating your own infographic .
Image DirectoriesYou can also get a backlink from the image directory . Are you a photographer or a graphic designer ? You can use many directories available online . Even if you are not a photographer or a designer , you can still learn to make small images , such as icons , and others pulau tidung .
After I thought hard but have not found an answer , I finally consul to the specialist doctor who is an expert in this , I finally found the answer , I wear very simple saja.Karena in Navigation Menu Widget Backlink Blog , a blog so I hit Google Sandbox effect and Articles I've made out of circulation in SERP or search Engine Position .


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