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Monday, 21 July 2014

The types of bats (fruit eaters) in Rubber Agroforestry

span style="background-color: white;" title="Jenis-jenis kelelawar (pemakan buah) di Agroforestri Karet ">The types of bats (fruit eaters) in Rubber Agroforestry After seeing the role and function of the bat on an ecosystem compared with the losses, it can be said that the role and function more than the disadvantages. span style="background-color: white;" title="Oleh karena itu, melestarikan keberadaan kelelawar merupakan hal yang penting untuk menjaga keberlanjutan suatu ekosistem sehingga memberikan keuntungan bagi manusia. ">Therefore, ...

Based on the above classification,

Based on the above classification, it is clear that in fact the bats have different roles and functions depending on its type. Fruit bats can not only be seen from the negative aspects of the course that led to a decrease in fruit production, but it can be seen from the positive aspects as pemencar seeds. Bats take fruit from somewhere, eating flesh iSARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA n a different place and discard the seeds from the fruit. Most seeds are ingested and get into the digestive system. The process...

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

17 Judías Judías Planta 2-3 semillas directamente

span style="background-color: white;" title="17 Kacang Buncis Tanam langsung dengan memasukan 2-3 biji kedalam lubang sedalam 1- 2 cm kemudian ditimbun tanah panen biasanya sudah bisa dilakukan setelah 60 hari atau polong kacang sudah cocok disayur. ">17 Judías Judías Planta 2-3 semillas directamente entrando en un agujero tan profundo como 1-2 cm y cultivos de suelos rellenados por lo general se puede hacer después de 60 días o las vainas de guisantes disayur ya emparejados. span style="background-color: white;" title="18 Kacang Kapri...

Friday, 11 July 2014

En el momento de este conejo familiarizarse

En el momento de este conejo familiarizarse con el mundo, sé que usted sabe que hay NDAK conejo del rex, solución apropiada bien en busca de un conejo que se utiliza para la diarrea frecuente, eeehhhh NDAK ver accidentalmente conejo del rex, nah dah tuh finalmente enamorarse a conejo rex. DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAlas ventajas de conejo Rex mis ojos son: El pelo corto. ¿Por qué por qué por qué me encanta el pelo corto? conejos se aparean como este, no puedo estar 100% completo en casa, todavía...

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The most suitable carrot cultivation

The most suitable carrot cultivation in the highlands with an altitude of over 1000 meters above sea level. Even so, the cultivation of carrots can still be carried out on land above 500 meters above sea level. span style="background-color: white;" title="Tanaman wortel menyukai tanah yang mengandung banyak humus dan gembur dengan tingkat keasaman antara pH 5,5-6,5. ">Carrot plants like soil that contains a lot of humus and loose with acidity between pH 5.5-6.5. span style="background-color: white;" title="Persiapan lahan budidaya wortel ">Tillage...

Saturday, 5 July 2014

This model includes a model of the role

This model includes a model of the role of each actor: farmer / community as a producer, working partners as collectors and institutions / universities as an innovator and a companion product development.Banteng88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014 In addition, the model will be concerned about the institutional preparation and commercialization of products that can be sustainable and allow it to be replicated in different regions. The advantages of the technology Hi-fer a substantial impact on the development in...

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

In a forage plant maintenance, some activities need to be done

Maintenance           In a forage plant maintenance, some activities need to be done - Conducting stitching / insertion, if any dead plants. - Weeding should be done 1-2 times after harvest. - Membumbun plants from the soil by lifting the left and right of the line (make mounds), it is intended to facilitate fertilization, irrigation and drainage. - Fertilizing should be done at least 2 times a year, once every 4-6 months. The type and dose of fertilizer depends on soil fertility. The things that need...