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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

La causa de la enfermedad es el fruto hongo

La causa de la enfermedad es el fruto hongo de podredumbre seca (setas) Siigmina myristicae (Stein) Mand. Suma Et Rifai. Los síntomas que se pueden observar visualmente es el fruto de infectados inicialmente son pequeños parches redondos de diámetro inferior a 0,3 cm, o precipitado marrón (cóncava).
BUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA Los parches seguirán para extender el alcance de aproximadamente 2,5 cm. En la superficie de manchas, el moho se forma una masa verde-negro. Finalmente manchas se sequen y ser duro, tan rota y caída de frutos.
El control de la podredumbre de los frutos secos se puede lograr mediante la reducción de la humedad para mantener las malas hierbas pembabatam y saneamiento jardín, quemando los restos de plantas enfermas, y la pulverización de fungicidas Dithame M-45 concentración de 0,2%.
2. Rotten Fruit Wet
La fruta pudrición causa adalahcendawan húmedo (moho) Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. Los síntomas que se pueden observar es la base de la fruta infectada muslo son manchas marrones. Las manchas de desarrollo rápido, así que en pocos días llegaron a 2,5 cm de diámetro. El interior de la pulpa de la fruta se daña, kebasah-basahan blanda y acuosa. La fruta es fácil caer enfermos y ser de color marrón a que había sido hervida.
Control de la enfermedad pudrición de la fruta húmedo puede hacerse por medio de mantener la higiene (saneamiento) de jardín, podar infestado peso de la fruta, y rociar las plantas con fungicidas durante la temporada de lluvias, entre otros, con Dithane M-45 concentración de 0,2%.
3. Rotten Fruit and Autumn Leaves
La caída causa pudrición de la fruta y de la hoja es un hongo (hongos) Phythopthora palmivora (BUTL) BUTL. Los síntomas de esta enfermedad son manchas pequeñas son de color negro en la fruta joven. El manchado continuó expandiéndose, por lo que la fruta finalmente se romperá, y la maza blanca se ve desde el exterior, hasta que la fruta está podrida.
El ataque a los frutos de nuez moscada es causa maduro piel manchada amarillo a marrón-negro oscuro. Las hojas y la base de las hojas infectadas se vuelven de color marrón negruzco oscuro, hojas caídas, y con el tiempo se convierte en el árbol desnudo.
Control de la fruta pudrición y caída de las hojas se puede hacer mediante la regulación de la anchura de separación (raro), la poda enferma, y ​​el jardín sanitsi.

La causa de la enfermedad se divide hongo blanco (hongos) Coreneum sp. Los síntomas de un ataque, ¿hay pequeñas manchas de color púrpura-marrón en el exterior de la carne de la fruta entre las edades de 5-8 meses. Estas manchas aumentan de tamaño y se vuelven de color negro. Frutas carne infectada se vuelve negro. Frutas carne infectada se convierte en partido y fruto más tarde caerá antes de la edad.
Blanco el control de enfermedades de división se puede hacer mediante el drenaje (drenaje) es bueno, la fumigación de azufre bajo un árbol con una dosis de 100 gramos de azufre / árbol, tirar los frutos son atacados, y rociar fungicidas.
5. Vajilla Aceite Fruta
La enfermedad se rompió fruta cruda llamada enfermedad fisiológico causado por varios factores, entre ellos el viejo árbol de edad ha, la polinización y la fertilización desviada, naturaleza sifst ascendencia, espaciando la reunión, y las condiciones no son cuidados jardines. Enfermedad fisiológica ocurre generalmente en 4-6 meses de edad de la fruta. Los síntomas que se pueden observar es el fruto se rompió, por lo que las semillas y maza siguen siendo blanco a rojizo rosa visible desde el exterior. Control de Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 la enfermedad fisiológica se puede hacer mediante el mantenimiento de los cultivos intensivos, especialmente fertilizantes y saneamiento campo.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Ci sono un sacco da fare per piantare

Ci sono un sacco da fare per piantare i tulipani che prosperano e ordinato. Questi consigli su semina e la cura per il suo Fiore Tulipano: Tulipano fiori sono piante bulbose, è possibile piantare quando piantare i semi o tuberi. Questo fiore non è realmente adatto ad essere piantati in climi tropicali come in Indonesia dal Fiori Tulip sono di solito Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Online Terpercaya Indonesiacoltivate in climi freddi e freddi.
Al momento della piantagione, tulipani vegetali devono avanzare attraverso le temperature fredde, per nel calore indonesiano, se necessario, inserire il frigo (non in freezer) al momento delle lampadine di piantagione e dopo germogli emergenti dovrebbero essere spostati al luogo che è fresco o riscaldare un po '. Fiori di tulipano non piace un sacco di umidità.
Cercate un po 'di terra asciutta, fertile e sabbioso per la pianta. Questi fiori possono essere costretti a crescere a temperature superiori o inferiori. Precipitazioni e irrigazione, nonché la quantità di terreno che è troppo bagnato faranno Tulip fiori muoiono. Molte cose devono essere considerati nei fiori Tulip crescere.
Hai solo bisogno di annaffiare solo la stagione secca. Inoltre, non dimenticare di dare fertilizzante ogni anno. Nella cura deve anche stare attenti, roditori o ratti diventano grandi nemici tulipani. Se si pianta questi fiori con i bulbi sarà più veloce rispetto all'utilizzo di sementi.
Ci vorrà circa un anno per fiorire, se si pianta bulbi, ma è necessario utilizzare circa 5-7 anni per fiorire, se si pianta da seme. I ricercatori suggeriscono inoltre, se i boccioli dei fiori già allora dovremmo pungere con un ago sul nascere in modo che rilascerà il gas che può accelerare i fiori sbocciano etilem.
Certamente non si vuole aspettare più a lungo a fiorire, invece? Interesse europeo tipico che riflette l'affascinante, ma lo sapevate tulipani anche essere un retaggio del califfato turco ottomano e può essere chiamato ad accompa JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAgnare la storia dell'Islam in Turchia. Che ne dite voi, sareste interessati a una parte dei fiori tulipano crescere la vostra casa?

I vasi contenenti i semi di tulipani

I vasi contenenti i semi di tulipani lì che ho messo fuori cas
Pembuatan Website Pokera (meno), dopo essere cresciuto di qualche centimetro, mi entrano in casa (in una stanza fresca c'è una grande finestra), temperatura ambiente intorno a 18-20 ° C. Beh effettivamente crescere loh veloce, forse i tulipani credo che sia un calde temperature primaverili.
Tulip già cresciuto non essere consentito in temperature meno, perché la terra è così indurito, può danneggiare le radici del tulipano.
Prestare attenzione a non terraferma, tulipnya irrigare una volta alla settimana o quando necessario. Non fangoso perché i semi possono marcire.
Poiché il Piano Inverno Tulip Seed Fill pentola così ho Grow Up Some Place Foreign cm
Fino ad ora ci sono 4 vasi di tulipani che sono fuori, aspetto che cresce di pochi centimetri, sarà messo in casa.Neve spessa sul balcone era stata 10 cm. Foto di Tulip Still Destra due vasi esterni, come la situazione

SUNDULBET AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYADue Tulip It Grow Vasi Seed pochi centimetri. Vasi pieni di granuli ES. 18 Gennaio 2013
Se il terreno si indurisce a causa delle temperature fredde, il seme non può crescere bene. Dopo essere cresciuto di qualche centimetro, ho messo il vaso in casa, c'è spazio è una grande finestra modo che la luce possa illuminare la stanza. La temperatura ambiente è di 20 ° C. Dopo tre giorni tulipnya piantine crescono rapidamente, l'immagine qui sotto:

1 Voto

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Nella Nella Silaen Silaen23 gennaio 2013 in >> My Garden. Tags: semi di fiori, bulbi da fiore, come far crescere tulipani, metodo di trattamento tulipani, hobby, giardinaggio, giardinaggio domestico, fuori, tulipani verdiRelated postsPosteriore balcone occhi su una mattina freddaAggiornamento Gardens SayurankuLa vista posteriore balcone. Aja mattina calore piscina sudaha davvero quiYummy Estate Ngapain?Vuoi Nanam Azalea semi di fiori, Cornesh, MohnBalcone Home Inizia greeningVai all'articolo← Seed Sviluppo TulipkuEstella Blogging →77 pensieri su "Suggerimenti Tulip Piantare

17 dicembre 2013 alle 01:49

Friday, 13 June 2014

Who does not know hibiscus

Who does not know hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)? Javanese people call it by name Wora-wari, while the Balinese call waribang. In the article in English, this plant is also called the Chinese Hibiscus or shoe flower.
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Originally the plant itself is not clear, however, thought to have come from East Asia, and includes a group of tropical and sub-tropical plants. Tree height can reach 4 feet, erect and many branches, so suitable for use as a hedge plant. The leaves are dark green, with a shiny surface and part of the leaf edges are serrated.
The flowers have a diameter of approximately 10 cm with color colorful flower crown, namely red, white and orange. A specific character that belongs to this plant is the nature of polyploidy, which has more than a pair of chromosomes, while most biological beings only have a pair of chromosomes.
This situation allows the birth of the type of plants that are completely different from the parent plant, and that's what causes the fans happy plants perform experiments to produce new hybrids.
Value hibiscus flowers and plants for a
Agen Judi Bola long time because the higher generations are used in various parts of the world for health purposes. Especially in the practice of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda from India.
Efficacious compounds contained in the plant hibiscus among other classes of compounds sterols, such as stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol kampesterol. Also there tartaric acid, citric acid and oxalic acid, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides.

Indians, Chinese and Malay Peninsula to take advantage of this flower grower hair and scalp health care.
In addition they also believe, hibiscus flowers and leaves can help black hair. It is therefore suitable for use as a replacement for mascara and eyebrow pencil.
For that purpose can be done in a way that is simple. Coarse crushed leaves and flowers, and then kneaded by adding water little by little. The result is a th
Agen Bola Terpercayaick paste that can be directly used as well as shampoo and conditioner, as well as to cleanse the hair and scalp.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Weather Conditions

. Weather ConditionsIn hot weather, with the sun high, more frequent wateKAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014ring is done with more water volume, particularly in the media who have a shelf life of low water. For the type of hot orchid, watering should be done after the plant media surface looks dry. For the type of orchid plant watering is done when the cold air is enough low humidity and high temperatures.
On the Provision of Water Orchid PlantsProvision of water on orchid plants can be done in various ways. If planting orchids in pots and carried in small amounts, the provision of water can be done by using hype. But if done in orchid cultivation of land or garden, the water supply is done by using spray equipment, water pumps, prinkler, or drip irrigation system.
Home »ORCHID» HOW TO RAISING ORCHID PLANTSPosted By Novik Kurnianti On Saturday, June 29, 2013Older Post Home

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Sunday, 8 June 2014

Match planted in lowlands to medium

Match planted in lowlands to medium. Uniform plant growth and easy perawatanya. Fruit size is approximately 45 cm, diameter 4 to 4.9 cm. green fruit color and taste somewhat sweet. Weight of approximately 250 grams of fruit ...
Pembuatan Website PokerHybrid Corn Seed (BISI-2) Nangkadak (Artocarpus nangkadak) is a fruit crop plant breeding that has combined superior properties that exist on the jackfruit and Cempedak. Early-maturing crops to harvest short and wide adaptability of the lowlands to the highlands, the potential development will be faster.Fruit Nangkadak

Breeding (breeding) in the field of horticulture, particularly the annual fruit is still very little is done in Indonesia. Mekarsari has managed to create a new innovation in the field of plant breeding with the annual fruit does a cross between two different species in the Family Moraceae Jackfruit is the Mini (Artocarpus heterophyllus) as female parents with Cempedak (Artocarpus integer) as the male parent. After waiting and evaluating plant 100 offspring (F1) for ± 5 years, it has acquired the leading plant named NANGKADAK. The fruit is a blend of superior properties both elders and Cempedak jackfruit. Products like this NANGKADAK gets tough competitor because it takes a long time and the cost is relatively large, so it is rare that a company or institution working on the Annual Plant Breeding.
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is one of the fruits of high economic value, because the ripe fruit can be eaten fresh or processed into various foods such as chips, ice lunkhead or mixed fruit. Jackfruit has the properties: large fruit weights (5-40 pounds), peeled hard skin due to the high content of sap, fruit flesh color is yellow to orange, crunchy flesh texture, chewy to soft, thick flesh dami protected against the skin, and a sense of sweet fruit until hambar.Cempedak (Artocarpus integer Murr.) has the properties: Weight of small fruits (3-4 kg), skin and flesh easily removed or peeled fruit, fruit relatively sticky, pale yellow flesh color, thin pieces of meat with texture smooth and fibrous, sweet taste, and crisp fruit flavors.

Desain Website Poker         Nangkadak an annual plant breeding that combines the superior properties of two different species that jackfruit and Cempedak. Nangkadak answer consumer needs to get jackfruit ideal small once discharged eat fruit, easy to peel, not gummy, soft flavorful, and a sense of breeding manis.Inovasi on other fruit crops are usually waged on seasonal fruits such as melon or watermelon. Results of exaltation only concerns one particular trait such as: taste sweeter, bigger fruit size, and higher production.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

SUPPORT Government of Aceh Jaya for increasing the income

SUPPORT Government of Aceh Jaya for increasing the income of farmers and fishermen continued fishing. In the field of aquaculture, Aceh Jaya regency through the Department of Marine and Fisheries (DKP) in addition to hand over tens of thousands of seeds catfish, tilapia, milkfish and shrimp, also handed fish feed, and nurture them in aquaculture. While in the field of fisheries, the fishermen assisted a variety of fishing gear. Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya"This is part of a government program to foster citizens engaged in fish farming. Farmed fish are sold easily to other regions of Aceh Jaya, Banda Aceh and well into other areas. For the current cultivation continues to be driven to improve people's economic empowerment, "said Regent of Aceh Jaya, Ir Azhar Abdurrahman.
In the field of aquaculture, as revealed by the Head of DKP Aceh Jaya, HT Imran SE, in Aceh Jaya are 7,240 ha of cultivation area of ​​freshwater, brackish water, and public waters such as in cages. Location freshwater aquaculture such as Mount Meulinteung and Alue Piet in District Panga produce catfish are managed by community groups assisted DKP Aceh Jaya. While the location of brackish water (ponds) contained in Lageun, Jabi, Sayeung District of Setia Bakti, and Krueng Tunong Jaya subdistrict produce black tiger shrimp and fish Banden. While the location of cultivation in cages contained in Mon Mata District of Krueng almost every year produce about 2 tons of tilapia.
To increase the productivity of the fish farmers DKP also facilitates the fish farmers to increase aid usahanyadengan angsung through the countryside Mina Business Development program (PUMP). In 2012 Aceh Jaya receive Rp 260 million to Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli Indonesia Rp 4 groups of fish farming. Whereas in 2013 it received an allocation of funds amounting to Rp 325 million PUMP for 5 groups of fish farming.

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Preparation of the planting

Preparation of the planting hole spacing is selected according to the cropping system. Planting hole size: 30 x 30 x 30 cm. To make planting holes used hoe, drill or other tool.
3) How Planting agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaPlanting is best done at the start of the rainy season. The steps are performed: (1) make a planting hole according to the distance and cropping systems were selected; (2) take a good, healthy pineapple seeds and planting seedlings in the planting hole available each one seedling per planting hole; (3) the soil is pressed / compacted around the base of the stem of pineapple seedlings that are not easily collapsed and plant roots can be in direct contact with ground water; (4) watering until the soil is moist and wet; (5) pineapple seedlings do not get too deep, 3-5 cm stem section buried in the ground so that perishable seed.
4. Maintenance of Plant
1) Spacing and Stitching Thinning is not done because the pineapple pineapple plant-specific and not a tree. Pineapple replanting activities required to replace plants that do not grow well in the hope of obtaining a uniform crop yields and in unison.
2) Weeding Weeding is necessary to rid the garden of w

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eeds pineapple and pineapple weed in terms of competitor plants need water, nutrients and sunlight. Weeds and often become a den of disease. Weeding time depends on the growth of weeds in the garden, but to save the cost of weeding done in conjunction with fertilization. Way of weeding is done by hand weeding / kored / hoe. Digemburkan seedbed soil around the base of the stem and ditimbunkan pineapple to form mounds.